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a good hautning.


"...a good haunting."

Katrina Reid and I are working in collaboration with Holland Andrews to produce an exciting experimental film that addresses mental health, healing, and the supernatural.

Over the past year or so, we've seen many of our loved ones pass over to the great beyond. I'm no exception.  And yet, Film often depicts the presence of ghosts, spirits, or the preternatural as something to fear. 

I wanted to challenge that narrative. Ghosts, actual and metaphorical, can also help us heal. Memories and remnants of our ancestors and relatives passed away live on in our own behaviors, actions, mannerisms, and outlook in the world. Like ghosts.

I call this, a good haunting. There are often times I'm reminded of my great grandfather's lessons in practicing joy and compassion for others, just by hearing his own laugh echoing in my own. And through the nostalgic tears of memories, I'm healed. 

I want to remind people of this kind of healing. Of this kind of haunting. 

"....a good haunting."

  • Paul N.

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