
Poor, Mitt Romney, for a while, it looked he'd be one of Trump’s few moderate republicans to join his cabinet as Secretary of State. But.. Trump decided to go with, former CEO of Exxon, Rex Tillerson.

Pundits and outlets alike are echoing the praises of former Secretaries of State, Condoleeza Rice, Jim Baker and Bob Gates for the nomination. However, Rice and Gates also run Rice Hadley Gates, a consulting firm that currently advises ExxonMobil in foreign affairs. Jim Baker runs Baker Botts LLP, a law firm which also works for ExxonMobil, as well as advises Gazprom, the Russian state gas company.

Here’s what where we should pay attention. The US placed sanctions on Russia, for its invasion of Crimea in Ukraine, and that halted ExxonMobil’s activities in Russia. Plus, there may be even more harsh measures put in place because of Russia’s active support of the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

By now, I guess you’re seeing the big picture. One of the few positions with the authority to remove those pesky sanctions stopping ExxonMobil’s business with Russia is.. *Drum Roll* Secretary of State.