The Truth About NYPD's "Gangland"

11.03.21 "The Hidden Health Crisis"

In this revealing and frank interview, former-gang members & anti-violence activists Vidal Guzman & Chris Williams peel back the layers of prejudice and marginalization to explore the root causes of violence. Cycles of recidivism, systemic abuse, violent over-policing, and self-defense-driven cycles of retaliation uncover a deeper, more complicated story than the classist/racist stereotypes we’re often fed.

At one point in our interview, Guzman asks: “How do we find a cure for the health crisis of violence in our neighborhoods?” Which is a revealing question in that of itself - why aren’t more cities treating violence as a health crisis?

To get the full story, watch the full episode of our Gangland series here:

- Paul N.
Always Question. Always Explore.

For Video Production & Editing Inquiries: Email

#gangdatabase #trending #legalaidsociety


11.01.18 "The Truth About Gangland/lies"

Recently, local NYC media outlets have been trumpeting the recent uptick in violence as a result of the city's growing number of "gangs-related" crimes. But… Who are the people the NYPD call gangsters? We take a look, with JustLeadership USA.

JustLeadership USA
Anthony Posada
Victor Dempsey


Watch the online series here:

Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |