Behind the Scenes | J -Read Music Video | February 1, 2019

Ok so here’s the scene. In J Read’s music video, “Everything,” he runs after a NJ Transit bus - dropping his pen in the process. Some bikers pass by, just in the moment, and after they unsuccessfully try to return, set off on their own adventure with the pen.

The pen travels to two other places the travels, and I’ll cover those in a couple later articles, but today we’ll just talk about the Biker Scene and what it means to me.


I really enjoyed hanging out with these three. Tanner, the oldest of the three, acted as a mentor to Salvador (left) and CJ (right). In Newark, Bike culture provides a space for mentorship, empowerment and self-expression for Latinx people, and this was just a glimpse into that complex world of learning tricks, traditions and ways to appropriate these customs as your own.

Throughout the shoot, Tanner kept a careful and covert eye to make sure the two boys wouldn’t endanger themselves, and yet would make overtly challenge them to be less afraid of their talents when performing. It was an amazing thing to witness, and I can only imagine how much of an impact it has on these two young men’s psyche for years to come.

Having someone encourage and push you to greater heights, responsibly? That’s where it’s at.


Paul N.